Waymaker is a software platform and a methodology with tool-kits, that when applied will help you be a better leader and then build better leaders.

Let's bust a myth, we don't have to be experts to talk about leadership. This can be a conversation you can have in your organisation, at whatever level of leadership you're at.


Leadership & management are different things, but never exclusively apart

Our view at Waymaker is that leadership and management are two very different things.

But, they are never exclusively apart. In the podcast we talk about how we often default into talking about that person as a 'manager' or a 'leader'.

This sets up a false idea of what leadership and management is.

A human leads and manages at the same.

At different times they're flexing the muscle of leadership, or at other times flexing the muscle of management. Sometimes together to do the heavy lifting!


What is leadership & management?

Leadership is simply getting someone or a group of people from point a to point b. Management is doing the right things, in the right way at the right time, along that journey.  This is the thinking that sits at the very heart of our framework, The Experience Curve.

Great leaders can exist at all levels inside an organisation

Hierarchy is deceptive. Great leadership and great management can and should exist at every level of the organisation. There is not just one group of people who are leaders at the top of the organisation, rather, the skills and systems of leadership and management can and should be developed at every level.


Leaders lead people, people manage systems

In the podcast we explore the principle that as people we never manage people and we should never lead systems.

Rather, leaders lead people and people management systems.

If you are inspired or passionate about leadership and management, all users of Waymaker.io can access the Leadership & Management course and playbook in Waymaker Academy.

If you're working with a certified Advisor, ask them to facilitate a leadership & management session using the Leadership & Management course tools and canvas.

This will help you establish a leadership culture in your team, that can builds leaders.