Driven by the quest to discover what motivates people to do what they do, Paul thinks big, questions deeply, and strives to create the conditions for leaders of all levels to have courageous and honest conversations that build strong and healthy organizations. 

Having worked within big firms in the UK and Canada, he brings global perspective to his work as well as real-world experience and straightforward guidance that informs and supports leaders and leadership teams to navigate opportunities and challenges presented by transformation.

His background in anthropology, sociology and social policy creates a natural curiosity about culture, social structure, and how this informs and shapes corporate systems. Paul is becoming a key influencer of how future leaders are shaping future workplaces. He provides advice, guidance and has real experience of supporting leaders and leadership teams through the process to adapt how they see the future of leadership and organizations. 

Paul is involved in several game changing forums to better understand what the leaders and organizations of tomorrow will need to set themselves apart. An avid traveler, Paul has explored over 30 countries, is a veteran snowboarder of Canada’s best powder, and has used Covid-19 to embrace being a digital nomad. Paul passionately provides mentorship to the next generation of young entrepreneurs and future leaders through collaboration with non-profit organizations or simply over a cup of Earl Grey.