Discover the transformative power of leadership with the insights of my esteemed guest, Jimmy, a former army officer turned corporate leader who has navigated the complexities of leadership across 65 countries. Our conversation reveals how to embrace the shift from manager to leader, an evolution of mindset that Jimmy has mastered through his diverse experiences. Together, we unpack the essential components of leadership that drive sustainable success, touching on purpose, abundance, connection, exploration, and downtime. This episode is a treasure trove for those looking to avoid burnout and ascend to recognized, impactful leadership roles.

Burnout is a beast we tackle head-on, and I bare my soul with a personal account of its grip on my own life. We dissect the art of strategic delegation, emphasizing how critical this skill is for business owners eyeing growth. Through Jimmy's lens, learn how to assess your hourly worth and prioritize high-value tasks, a strategy that smartly incorporates outsourcing and hiring. By the end of our discussion, you'll grasp the counterintuitive wisdom of doing less to achieve more, ensuring your energy is invested where it truly counts.

Strategic planning emerges as the cornerstone of business success, and we explore how talent matrices and reflective planning can dramatically enhance a leader's performance. A compelling case study illustrates the transformative impact of prioritizing critical tasks, reframing our approach to productivity. For those highly engaged individuals teetering on the edge of burnout, we share strategies to create time buffers for strategic thought, ensuring that your role as a leader is marked by impactful actions and not merely the quantity of tasks completed. Get ready to arm yourself with the foresight and resilience necessary to navigate your leadership journey.

Beat Burnout Book

Escape the Multi-Tasking Trap Book

High-Performance Leader Podcast

Work with Jimmy