We're all leaders in some way, because we all have impact.
Using our impact consciously and in a way that makes a
positive and sustainable difference, requires a new kind of
mindset - a rebel mindset. I believe this is essential to where
we are right now - in need of solutions that do not recreate a
problematic status quo. Dialogue's newly emerging School
for Rebel Leaders is about unlearning old habits, applying
key principles and remembering why we are motivated to do
what we do. It's vital that we be Real and lead with ethics
and effective impact. Business leaders have the potential for
compounded impact and this is a call for leaders to create
the space to ensure this is meaningful.

1. Strengthen authenticity and create buy-in by allowing
vulnerability. Say: I don't know.
2. Build anti-fragility by looking for the And.
3. Walk the edge of creative tension by imprinting your Why
in such away that you develop instinctive discernment for