Everything that we seek to be a great leader comes from within.

Yes we need external support to make the most of those gifts on occasion, but please start with going inside.

Understand your beliefs, your stories, your dreams, your fears.

3 Simple Actionable Leadership Steps

1. practice your vulnerability muscle
2. intentionally seek to build a diverse network around you, it should represent the kaleidoscope of life and not the big tech algorithms!
3. give yourself grace. We all mistakes, own them, learn from them and pay forward that learning to others.

Garry is a recovering Human Being, Strategic Advisor, Thinking Partner and Practitioner to MDs, senior leaders and teams.

Still working within a global corporate, leading a 20m Euro business area and people/culture agenda, he is a believer in a more humane, connected world and supports bringing this messaging to life as a speaker, workshop facilitator, podcaster and event host.