Elevate your leadership game and steer clear of those sneaky small business blunders with Rhonda Delaney, the People Gardener, in this eye-opening second installment of our trilogy on missteps that could be holding you back. You're not alone on this journey; we're peeling back the layers of workplace dynamics to bring you a treasure trove of insights that can transform the way you recognize and celebrate your team's hard-earned victories. 

This episode brims with real-world wisdom as we unearth the subtle, yet impactful, gestures of kindness that blossom in the office ecosystem. We're talking about more than a pat on the back; it's about acknowledging the shared lunches, the extra hand offered to a colleague, and the thoughtful notes that unexpectedly brighten someone's day. Whether you're navigating the challenges of entrepreneurship or honing your leadership finesse, you'll walk away with a bouquet of strategies to sincerely affirm your team's efforts and watch your business flourish.