“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” -John Quincy Adams

Even though I haven't missed any weeks in putting up an episode of the podcast, I did take the Summer off from doing new interviews because I had such a back log of quality guests to get out to you but....this one is NEW and the first of the current batch and I'm excited to get it out to you!

Rick Lindberg is the guest and he's sharing his (self proclaimed) nerdy brain with us on this episode.  He's super smart and you'll dig his laid back attitude and leadership acumen!    I got a lot from out interview and I know you will too!


More on Ric (in his own words)...

Half of me is extremely analytical. I’m scientifically minded with the ability to interpret data for change.

The other half of me is focused on interconnectedness. I see the best in everyone around me and strive to inspire on a person-to-person level. 

These dual sides work together to create my combined analytical-personable approach to business. I have a knack for transformative leadership, business intelligence, and organizational behavior. I orchestrate business workings from a high altitude while understanding that success, in a company or in everyday life, comes from a deep personal understanding. It’s through this synergy that I’ve been able to generate meaningful sales for global retail companies, turn data into communication, and connect with customers around the world to drive results. 

Check him out at: http://www.riclindberg.com/lhh