"It's never too late to be what you might have been." - George Elliot

Is that all there is?  Seriously!?  Is this it?  I thought there was going to be more.  Not that I'd be in the history books but, certainly, that there would be more than this.  Have any of these questions ever scampered through your mind?  I know they have mine and I know I'm not alone.

On this episode I'm talking with reinvention strategist, Kirsten Bunch, about how to take a new look at your life and go a new direction.  It was an appropriate conversation at an appropriate time in my life.  Many of us want to step out into something new but don't know what that first step is....and Kirsten is here to help!  I know you're going to dig it as much as I did!


More on Kirsten..

Kirsten Bunch is a coach, strategist, speaker and bestselling author. Kirsten helps mid-career professionals reinvent their careers to align with how they want to show up in the world. Her clients, which range from a neuroscientist to a celebrity stylist, start new careers and businesses that are good for them and good for the world. Before starting her own business in 2016, Kirsten spent 25 years traveling to over 50 countries for game-changing organizations like the Rainforest Alliance and VisionSpring. She helped fundraise over $20 million and designed and managed social change programs in 10 countries. Kirsten lives in New Jersey and works with clients all over the world.

Connect with her at: https://www.kirstenbunch.com/