Exciting news as the Leaders With Babies podcast is changing its name!

You may have heard me to discuss on previous episodes that I've been considering changing the name of our 5 star rated podcast. I love the name Leaders With Babies but I worried it held us back from reaching even more parents.

I've really appreciated all of the input from you the listeners on the name and I have taken all of the feedback you've shared onboard. Many of you have been in touch directly, voted online in the social media polls or even brainstormed ideas to send to me - a huge thank you to you all.

During the process one name really stood out to me, plus it topped our online poll.

So this morning I'd love to introduce you to the (drum roll)...  Big Careers, Small Children podcast.

I think this name really encapsulates the ambition of the podcast. It's for parents and leaders who want big things in their careers, without making any compromises about enjoying their young families.

I hope you love our new name as much as I do. As I've mentioned before, the content and format of the podcast will remain exactly the same and each week we will continue to bring advice and practical tips to support parents who want to combine ambitious career aspiration with young children.

Our next episode will be released this week and is all about equal pay, so do stay tuned and look out for that.

Thanks again for all your support - Verena Hefti, CEO & Founder of Leaders Plus