Jim Jubelirer (JUBE-uh-leer) is an Exponential Mindset evangelist. He helps entrepreneurs and executives excel in leadership and business while tapping into a new way of thinking so they can solve their own obstacles.

Jim is a seasoned executive, business coach and public speaker. From 1994 – 2008, Jim was Vice President at Burke, Inc., where he was a recognized expert in the service quality and customer satisfaction measurement. He consistently delivered million-dollar quotas for his company and implemented award-winning programs for major clients including Fidelity Investments and Royal Caribbean.

Today, Jim speaks to a wide variety of audiences about leadership and business excellence and motivates people to achieve breakthrough results. He has designed and delivered custom training programs, and has delivered speeches, conference presentations and executive seminars to over 6,000 people from over 40 countries.

Jim is a Certified Gazelles Coach and serves as an Executive Coach at Duke University. He is active with RTP Capital Associates, an angel investment network, and is featured in the book, The Art Of Mastering Success alongside Les Brown, Mark Victor Hansen, and Jack Canfield.

In his conversation with us, Jim dispels the scarcity myth and provides factual evidence that this is the greatest time in history to be alive. He further describes where we are as a society right now, where we are going, what industries are going to experience the greatest growth and disruption – and more importantly, how to position yourself to take advantage of these evolving trends.

An exponential mindset goes beyond incremental growth expectations and believes in 10x the result without 10x the effort. How do you do that in your company? This is Jim’s specialty and he shares some of the practices and principles he teaches his clients so that you can think differently and confidently create new benchmarks of achievement in your industry. His approach is not to ignore the realities of the world today rather he offers business leaders a correct view so you have confidence to solve the significant problems you see around you.

Key Takeaways

Despite what you see and hear on the new or social media, today is the best time to be alive. Human longevity has doubled in the past 100 years, violence is at an all-time low, and more people have escaped extreme poverty since 2000 since all of history prior to that. Once you have 2-3% of a given population speaking, acting, thinking a certain way, they can influence others to cause a tipping point of change to come about. We have the technology and ability now to meet the basic need of everyone on the planet in terms of sustenance, housing, education and freedom. We’re not there yet, but we’re on our way. 10x is both math and mindset. It doesn’t take 100 times the effort. Before the breakthrough there’s always a break-down or break-from. Within the next 12 years, energy will be free. Imagine - what new business models will be possible when energy is free? The way countries handle their water flow is going to determine their prosperity for centuries to come.

Episode Show Notes: https://leadersoftransformation.com/podcast/business/214-jim-jubelirer 

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