When God called Steve Trullinger into healing ministry in 1995, he was at that time an Associate Professor of Physics at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. Steve traded in his secure, tenured academic position for a faith-walk of adventure, trusting in the Lord’s design for the second half of his life. His twenty-five years as an educator and researcher helped prepare him to train healing and evangelistic mission teams and to help many to understand the synergisms of spiritual gifts in the ministries of healing and evangelism.

Late in 2000, Steve founded The Father’s Touch Ministries, based in California, and has helped to launch and direct many healing teams of volunteers in North America, as well as lead over 20 short term mission teams focused on healing and evangelism in East Africa. These teams have been blessed to lead several tens of thousands to Christ and bring the Father’s healing touch to many thousands of sick in hospitals, villages, slums, and Freedom Festival crowds.

In our conversation, Steve gives us a peek into the most fascinating place in the Universe – the Father’s heart. He eloquently describes how much God our Father loves us and is only blessed when we are blessed, and shares amazing stories of entire cities being healed and transformed by the power of prayer and love. Literally – the blind seeing, the deaf hearing, and the lame walking.

Why do these miracles happen in certain places and not in others? Steve explains the importance of surrender vs trying to figure it out on our own. Where is our heart and why do we make prayer our last resort vs our first? As our Abba (Daddy), God loves us and wants to see us healthy and vibrant, and as Steve, describes, this healing love is readily available to us when we surrender our hearts to Him.

God is the perfect example of a loving father, and so we finish out our conversation talking about the issue of fatherlessness in society today – whether it be through abandonment or emotional disconnect – and how God is working through Steve and others to bring healing to the hearts of fathers and their families. It’s not enough to follow a list of do’s and don’ts. Fathers first must find their hope, confidence and purpose restored in Christ. This is the focus of Steve’s ministry going forward and he invites fathers everywhere to join him in rediscovering the joy and fulfillment of real fatherhood.

Key Takeaways

God is only blessed when we are blessed. There’s only one thing in God’s Heart – love or a derivative of His love. When people really experience God’s love it transforms them. We haven’t seen as many healing miracles in North America because we tend to rely on our own abilities to figure it out, whereas in remote villages in Africa, there are few doctors to count on. So they are more inclined to surrender to the healing power of prayer as their only option.   Why is prayer the last resort? It should be the first one. It’s a lot cheaper and faster. Taking a city for God means to prepare and create an environment for us so that we can receive His blessings. It’s sending in love bombs to heal the hearts of the people. Authentic Christianity does not involve judgement of others. Restoring fatherhood in society requires a different approach, one that focuses on God’s desire to bring us joy, to strongly support fathers, and to bring about the legacy that God intends for each family. The Father’s Heart is the most fascinating place in the Universe.

Episode Show Notes: https://leadersoftransformation.com/podcast/spirituality/191-steve-trullinger 

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