Michael F. Kay is a Certified Financial Planner®, author and speaker on personal finance and financial life planning.

Author of “The Feel Rich Project” (Career Press, June 2016) and “The Business of Life: An Inside-Out Approach to Building A More Successful Financial Planning Practice”, Michael is President of Financial Life Focus, a financial life planning firm based in New Jersey.

His mantra? Your money mindset—how you grew up, your adult experiences and your beliefs about money—factors into your life and financial decisions in a big way. Understand your money mindset and you have the keys to personal success.

He is a regular contributor to Forbes and Psychology Today.  During his interview with us, Michael shares his experience helping people transform their money mindset by into creating new and empowering belief systems and habits, based on their core values and priorities.  We explore the ways you can become a better steward of your money while having fun with your money and feeling rich, no matter how much you earn. 

Episode Show Notes: https://leadersoftransformation.com/podcast/business/082-michael-f-kay-money-talks-the-feel-rich-project 

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