If energy, possibilities and results could be packaged in a box and distributed, Jason Everett would need miles of warehouses and three FedEx’s corporations to deliver it. Yet package it he does, wherever he goes, whether it is front of audiences of enthusiastic listeners or behind the doors of businesses everywhere.

Jason is a serial entrepreneur, business coach, speaker, and author.  His unique blend of business skills, personal development skills, humor and high-power engagement, not only keeps audiences riveted, but has helped companies increase their closing ratios by 150 – 300% in a matter of months, increase gross sales by over 500% and reduce costs by nearly half a million dollars per year.

During this episode, Jason shares the 6 areas of energy and how to create energy on demand, which is the title of his revolutionary new book coming out soon "Energy On Demand".  No coffee or stimulants needed! Jason shares how to bring out the energy that is within you, and transform back to who you've always been.

To participate in a free 7-Day Energy Challenge with Jason: text "energy" to 916-258-7239.

OR if you're international, you can go to www.businessrefuel.com/energy to sign up for Jason's newsletter and you'll receive the 7-Day Challenge as well.