Timolin Langin is a veteran Teacher, School Administrator, Producer, Talk Show Host of A New You, and World Traveler. Coming from a small town in Mississippi, it was there that a generation of relatives with a “mother’s wit” for financial success taught her how modest earnings could yield a fiscal life stable enough to support all of her dreams, travel, and interests.

These “financial gurus” taught her that one could live a good life on any budget; it’s simply a matter of approach.  As an educator and life student, she has watched many smart people struggle with their finances, and now teaches the practical habits and advice that have made her financially stable.

During this episode, Nicole and Timolin discuss some of the steps and habits she used to build her wealth, fund her dreams, buy multiple real estate investment properties, and travel the world on a regular basis, all on a teacher's salary.   

Episode Show Notes: https://leadersoftransformation.com/podcast/business/020-timolin-langin-how-to-live-like-a-millionaire-on-any-budget 

Check out our complete library of episodes and other leadership resources here: https://leadersoftransformation.com


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