In this episode, Chris interviews Amer Abu Shakra, Business Owner, Student Works Painting. Amer shares his SIX rules of success that helped him hit the all-time high sales record of $500,000 at Student Works.

This show starts with Amer sharing some background information with listeners. Born in Jordan, Amer is truly thankful for the excellent opportunity that Student Works has given him. Amer was incredibly focused from the get go and shares how he managed to generate half-a-million dollar worth of business without compromising on his studies.

To define his SIX rules of success, Amer drew inspiration from entrepreneurs like Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, and Jeff Bezos. These are his rules:


Always keep your word – no matter what

Trust your team

Trust the power of input

Have someone hold you accountable

You promote what you permit 

Have the will to conquer and dominate


As Amer explains each of these rules, he shares some interesting anecdotes that will surely pique your interest.

For instance, he shares how he managed to build a dream team whom he trusts explicitly. He also reveals his process of breaking down large tasks into tiny and attainable bits. Amer reveals that he has an accountability buddy in Austin, another member of the Student Works community.  

If you are failing to meet the audacious goals that you have set for yourself, tuning in to this show will give you loads of value.


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