In today’s show, Chris interviews Mets Kramer, Owner, StrategicEvolutions. Mets shares his professional journey and reveals how you can influence decision making in a business environment. 

This show starts with Mets recalling his life before Student Works. Always a hard worker, Mets started working from a very young age. Like many ambitious and driven young people, he was also in a hurry to attain financial independence.

In the next segment of the show, Mets reveals some of the biggest lessons that he picked up during his Student Works stint. Particularly, salespeople will get some great tips on effectively handling prospects and clients. Mets shares how you may have to change your sales strategy based on the market that you are targeting.

After Student Works, Mets ended up working in a sales position at the heavy equipment manufacturer, Liebherr Canada. Here, we discuss how you can cultivate and nurture long-term relationships. We also share some great tips that will help you evolve into a champion decision-maker within your organization.  

After this very successful corporate stint, Mets started his own management consultancy. Here, Mets shares his experiences and draws an interesting comparison between public and private organizations. Are private organizations more prone to reward their employees? In a bid to protect shareholder’s interest, do public organizations tend to go overboard and treat their own employees unfairly?

Towards the end, Mets shares some of his biggest failures and what he has learned from them. We wrap up this show by listing some crucial attributes that define a leader of tomorrow. Topics discussed include taking credit when due, sharing success, and treating people the right way. 

Tune in for some excellent nuggets!



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