Anna Elgh is the CEO of Svenska Retursystem, a Swedish circular economy logistics company. We talk about the transformations she has led at the company since joining in 2014, from Lean to nearly three years of moving towards self-managing teams. She shares what she has learned about transforming conflicts, distributed decision making, disbanding the management team, as well as leadership and the power of letting go.


Svenska Retursystem’s website The book Lisa has co-authored with Karin Tenelius, Moose Heads on the Table Related Leadermorphosis episodes: Ep. 55 with Frederic Laloux, author of Reinventing Organisations Ep. 37 with Miki Kashtan about the inner shifts that need to happen for self-management to work Ep 45. with Amy Edmondson about psychological safety and climate (vs culture) The Enneagram Institute Tuff Leadership Training