Leader Activated - Episode 8: 10X your F-Word by setting the RIGHT Intention

"If you don't make things happen, then things will happen to you." - Robert Collier

Set Right Intentions
For me, since young, I always knew that I want to marry and start a family young. I have set my intentions very much earlier. And true enough, I got married at the age of 22.
Here are some steps to know how to set your intentions:
(2:31) First, decide on what you want to focus on.
(3:52) Second, focus on the process rather than the goal.
(5:14) Third, is to KISS (Keep It Short & Sweet) or just to keep it simply simple.
(7:25) Fourth, is to follow through. Write down your intentions.

Key takeaways: 

You will only follow your intentions if they matter to you.Goals are focused on the end result.Use action words to set your intentions.  

Key resources: 

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