Leader Activated - Episode 19: Men and Their Empty Boxes: Get It and You'll Have Your KEY to Success

It is funny how two human whom are so different but yet are meant to be together.

Lessons from Richard & Veronica Tan
If there is no common consensus on how the family is going to work, then there is no teamwork.
(2:48) If both husband and wife have the same goal, they will work towards it.
(2:53) They have each decided on what roles to play very much earlier in their marriage.
(3:17) Richard will make all the general decisions while Veronica will make the major ones.

The Men are From Mars and the Women are From Venus
(4:05) Women think and behave very differently from men.

Men's Empty Box
Entering to a men's empty box is the way a man chill and relax. Men's brains are made up of little boxes.
(5:13) The empty box contains absolutely nothing.

Understanding the Men
Here's a tip for you that could improve your relationship with him even more.
(6:46) We need to recognize that men and women are indeed different.
(8:03) We should articulate our thoughts directly to the men.
(8:45) Respect your husband's empty box time.

Key takeaways: 

Everyone has a role.A happy wife makes a happy life.Choose to be happy than to be right.

Key resources: 

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