What does it mean to lead yourself? It is evident that we face challenges everyday and have to make decisions, solve problems and overcome difficulty. It is also evident that we don’t always make the right decisions. Or we arrive at the right decision but fail to execute it. Often there is an internal dialogue that takes place on what should I do and how do I do it. We have all been in a situation where we asked ourselves what should I do? In that moment you were looking for an answer, looking for guidance, looking for leadership from within. Why else would you need to ask that question? You are trying to figure out this thing called life. This podcast explores that process and seeks to identify key virtues that will help you achieve that which is best for you. However, this is not in a selfish sense as it may sound. This content is definitely focused on the Kingdom of God. As disciples of Christ we are to seek first the Kingdom of God. Seeking implies we don’t have it figured out, we don’t have all the answers and we are in pursuit to know more. In this context, leading yourself is inextricably linked to following Christ. Every leader must first learn to be a good follower.