Join my conversation with Tracy Hupko, Executive Director of the I GOT THIS Foundation, as she talks about how her organization is changing lives through golf.

By providing golf instruction, playing opportunities, and organized events, the Foundation strives to teach people with Down syndrome and other intellectual disabilities to play golf, paving the way for them to compete in leagues with typical peers, join high school teams, and enjoy the many social benefits of golf.


In our discussion, Tracy shares how her career evolved from Disney to the LPGA Tour, to meeting Amy Bockerstette. Amy was the first person with Down's Syndrome to receive a college athletic scholarship. In one remarkable moment, Amy was invited to join Gary Woodland and Matt Kuchar on the 16th at the Waste Management Open. Amy hit her tee shot in the bunker in front of thousands of fans. Asked did she wanted to hit it out of the bunker, she said, "I got this!" She got it out of the bunker and made the putt for a par! 

Gary Woodland cited Amy's as an inspiration for him as he tried to hold it together on the back nine en route to his first major championship. He said that he kept remembering Amy and telling himself, "I got this!"

It's a beautiful story and this group is doing terrific work. Tracy does a great job talking about the mission and impact of this organization. 

Find out more about the I GOT THIS Foundation here. 


Tracy and I first met after she read of my re-telling of the story in my weekly leadership newsletter called The Huddle. You can subscribe here. 


You can connect on LinkedIn with Tracy Hupko here


Contact me at [email protected].