Show Notes

3:10 – the value of questions

3:20 – the portability of questions

3:40 – questions bring people together (questions can lead to community)

4:10 – ask yourself, “What’s one question I want to carry into the next twelve months?”

5:35 – does everyone have a story to tell?

6:35 – you have a story and there are many ways to convey it

7:30 – writing is a way of trying on ideas

8:35 – “Do I consider myself to be a teacher?”

9:30 – countless opportunities to learn

10:25 – some of the most profound learning occurs when teaching and learning (and those roles) are blurred

11:05 – from a small diary, to journaling, to blogs, to personal essays

12:25 – the definition of “published”

13:35 – “Am I a writer? Am I an author?”

14:10 – writing is a continual act of self-authorization

14:55 – Writing and its parallel to the question, “Are you a runner?” 

16:40 – two options to get started on your writing journey

16:55 – another use for junk mail

17:55 – write with another person

18:40 – noticing the impulse to write

19:40 – ten minutes a day fits into real life

20:40 – accompaniment - someone walking alongside us, and vice-versa

21:35 – “None of us should be left alone with our bad writing.”

24:35 – reaching for goals in the great outdoors - pushing the limits

25:05 – Brainstorm Road – a structure to accomplish a Dream Project

26:40 – not necessarily (or only) becoming a writer, but becoming the kind of person who can write a book

27:45 – stories and questions, plus seeing the individual, are part of being a great teacher

28:20 – an art teacher who painted the cast on my arm

29:45 – my dad leading me through questions and stories

30:00 – Tommy and Teresa Turtle

31:20 – tremendous respect for teachers – thank you

32:00 – if you feel compelled to write, you can do it

Instagram - @kristin_hatcher


Music for Lead. Learn. Change. is Sweet Adrenaline by Delicate Beats

Podcast cover art is a view from Brunnkogel (mountaintop) over the mountains of the Salzkammergut in Austria, courtesy of photographer Simon Berger, published on

Professional Association of Georgia Educators

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