2:30 – second-career educator and an effective, thoughtful, and creative teacher

3:30 – every never you utter in life becomes your roadmap

3:45 – I will never be a teacher. I hate school

4:00 – perhaps not the greatest horse rider but a great teacher of horse riding

5:00 – going back to school to become a teacher

5:15 – David as Amy’s first assistant principal

5:30 – engage and intrigue students

5:45 – first experiences in higher ed

6:10 – tech ed in the private sector

6:50 – coordinator of field placement – working with student teachers

7:05 – HOW to teach is the overarching theme and key component of the teaching and learning process

8:15 – Amy gave names to the PCs in her classroom

9:20 – don’t use technology gratuitously – have a rationale 

10:05 – technology can enhance collaboration

10:30 – ask, “How will technology enhance learning?”

10:45 – Answer Garden, word clouds, discussions and connections between what surfaces via tech and human interaction and “wondering”

12:55 – you must establish structure, boundaries, and routines

13:05 – you must get to know your kids (your students, your learners)

13:35 – respectful dialogue is a precursor to learning

14:15 – what is a professional boundary?

15:05 – norms AND non-negotiables

16:00 – David’s interaction with students In School Suspension 

17:50 – breaking convention for learner benefit

18:15 – am I enjoying what I am doing right now?

18:45 – if you are not connecting with your students, figure out why and work on adjusting what needs to change

19:35 – the "endless bulletin board”

19:55 – Think Tank and the Issue Fish

21:10 – an idea, borne out of panic

21:45 – be willing to dive in and try something – if it doesn’t work, try something else

22:00 – student work as an opportunity for affirmation

23:45 – what teacher-leadership looks like 

24:20 – be a leader with those you lead

25:00 – intentional boundaries – individual and contextual, but consistent

25:15 – don’t take yourself too seriously – don’t feel sorry for your own failures

26:05 – an orchid named Spike

27:00 – everything good I learned about education, I learned in the barn

27:30 – first horse at age eight, competition, and lessons about good riding

27:45 – listening, waiting, life is not all about me

29:30 – grateful for the experiences I have had

30:05 – teaching or learning – which is more important?

30:15 – if we stop learning, we’ve given up

31:00 – find what happened good today

31:35 – learning and courage drive change 

31:50 – be brave enough to learn something new or that’s different from what you expect

32:25 – I’ve had an amazing life (and I did want to serve in the military), but I really wouldn’t change anything

33:45 – why teach? To help people discover who they are, to facilitate a deeper level of understanding

34:45 – not to tell them what to think, but to teach students about their potential as thinkers

35:15 – working with professors on and retrieval practice and backward planning – adding pedagogy skill sets (the teaching craft) to content expertise

36:20 – an opportunity to positively impact future teachers

37:00 – I would not be the person I am today without my father (whose undergone an incredible transformation in his life), and Dr. Beverly Armento at Georgia State University (a mentor and amazing educator)


Links and other show details:

Amy's email

Flagler College

Music for Lead. Learn. Change. is Sweet Adrenaline by Delicate Beats

Podcast cover art is a view from Brunnkogel (mountaintop) over the mountains of the Salzkammergut in Austria, courtesy of photographer Simon Berger, published on

Professional Association of Georgia Educators

David’s LinkedIn page