In this episode I talk to Janese Recolan about breaking karmic baggage and generational cycles and finding the path to your power.


Janese Recolan, is a mother to a son and a cancer survivor. A generational kahuna wisdom keeper. Where she comes from, a lineage of Kahuna’s in Hawaii are known as shamans, priests/priestess, healers who have access to ancient wisdom. She lives on the Big Island of Hawaii with her family and cat. 

When she isn’t spending time with her family, friends or doing energy work. She enjoys nature, beach, hikes, exploring other healing modalities, traveling, food, attending local social events and connecting with others.

In 2021 she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She used her clairvoyant guidance and healing ability as a Kahuna to guide and navigate through her journey. today she is cancer free and an international speaker, speaks on podcasts and helps other women to the road of self mastery and to stop searching for external validation, to reclaim their worth.

Resources mentioned in this episode

Follow Janese:

LinkedIn: HERE

Facebook: HERE

Instagram: HERE


The Path To Your Power 3-month Program: HERE


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