Next Episode: Mystery

A bridge is a section of contrasting musical material that connects two sections of a song. It is often used to prepare for and return to the original material section. In light of the "unforgettable song" that we have become aware of from Deuteronomy 32, we learned that it begins with Adonai's faithfulness to his covenant, his people's inability to keep that covenant and ends with God's covenant loyalty to deliver to them from their sins and enemies. None of this is contested. What is a mystery is the bridge that connects these two events. That is the fact that he would use a people that is no people to make his people jealous. The "no people" her is us. Brothers Carlos Treaster and Paul Rosales encouraged and challenge us that the only way to stir the Jew's to jealousy is to live in the "fullness" of Christ formed in us & to be living sacrifices as Romans 12-15 talks about.