Previous Episode: In Christos

The times we are living in are truly special and we are on the precipice of the greatest advancement that our community has ever seen. This message entitled “Remembering The Unforgettable Song”, laid a masterful and scriptural foundation for understanding Paul’s writings in the book of Romans and his hope and desire to see the salvation of Israel. From Romans, we learned that Paul was drawing from the inspiration of the Torah; namely, what God will do with His people and His ultimately plan of redemption for them. This inspiration from the Torah can be specifically linked to a song that God had Moses write for the Israelite's. As we familiarized ourselves with the content and lyrics of the song of Moses, we were given insight into our role as gentile graft-ins who stand with the God of Israel and the Nation of Israel. This insight into our role, was through the examination of the life of a model gentile in the book of Joshua. Where we learned practical and actionable steps on how we are to act towards God’s nation and how to strengthen their faith.