Previous Episode: Emergency Mandate
Next Episode: 2 Chronicles 13

Eric Stephens and Judah Stephens present this pivotal and potent message entitled, "Seventy Sons of Samaria". By looking at the life of Jehu, King of Israel, each believer is challenged to wholeheartedly pursue God's will! Our assignment in life is often times generations in the making and is made for the generations. When God changes a man...when God invests His authority in a man...God expects that man to operate in and under God's authority. Living a life like Jehu, a life that executes judgment against the enemies of God, will create momentum in your life that reflects the momentum of the Kingdom that can last through the generations. Like Jehu, you must deny the conclave of the compromised who claim to want peace but only consider God's righteousness to be insanity and full of treachery. Listen to this sermon now!