Eric Stephens, Matthew Perot, and Wade Sutherland share this encouraging sermon entitled, "Emergency Mandate". Genesis 8 teaches us that as long as the earth endures there will be seedtime and harvest. The Kingdom is built on the principles of sowing and reaping! We know what it is like to live in the negative consequences of our actions, but the encouragement, the emergency mandate, is that we can count on the positive consequences of our actions too! God has set His Word and His heart towards blessing each with the fruit of unfailing love, showering righteousness upon you, allowing His favor to last a lifetime, and providing joy and laughter as a sign of His goodness! We have the opportunity to sown seeds today that WILL produce positive consequences in the future! Our emergency mandate is to sown for ourselves righteousness and reap the fruit of His unfailing love (Hosea 10:12)!