In episode #47, we talked about some mindset shifts introverted attorneys can make about networking to make networking feel less overwhelming.  To help you overcome those concerns, we are sharing 5 tips to take with you for your next networking event.

Tip #1 - Look for opportunities to network in places where you already feel comfortable. Think about where you already spend your time and who you spend it with.  Are you a member of civic groups or organizations? Do you spend time volunteering at your child’s school?  This is probably an overlooked area of networking because the initial reaction is to start somewhere new with people you don’t know.  Even if you have not been out in a while, you have been places before, you have been involved with groups or organizations.  Going to events in locations you already know with groups you have already been involved with definitely helps reduce the fear of everything being totally new and foreign.

Tip #2 - Nurture relationships that you already have. Networking is not just a collection of business cards and you cannot treat your contacts like those business cards in your desk - never to be looked at unless you need something. Think about those relationships in your life that you consider personal. How did they become so. Certainly not by meeting once and never speaking again. You had to build that relationship over time and with trust. Networking will not work if you just go to as many events as possible. You have to consider those people you already know and how you can continue to facilitate your relationship with them.

Tip #3 - Send correspondence to your network. A handwritten letter will stand out in someone’s mailbox and will likely peak their interest.  Consider how you can maximize this undivided attention.  You can also send an email or text to thank someone for a referral.  Send a note to let someone know that you value their professional input in a recent matter.  

Tip #4 - Listen more. When you are at a networking event, there can be a pressure to feel “on.” Keep in mind that you don't need to do all the talking. Give yourself permission to listen more.  That takes the pressure off of you feeling as though you always have to have something to say.  Many people like talking about themselves, so let them and you can listen.  Once you have taken the pressure off of yourself you will relax and conversation can flow more easily.

Tip #5 - You are not the star of anyone else’s show. Other people aren’t privy to your thoughts or everything that is going on with you, they have their own stuff that is occupying their minds.  They are the “star” of their own “show.”  People do not necessarily know that you are nervous about speaking to new people, or that you really aren’t sure what area of law is right for you, what your LSAT score was, or what your grades were.  Don’t feel defeated. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself.

Are you looking to build your professional network but are not sure where to begin?  Check out “The Law Student’s Guide to Networking” - now available on Amazon.  This guide gives you a step by step solution to help you prepare to network and then actually execute an effective networking plan.


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