Itzik Amiel, networking, 'The Attention Switch', relations capital, - networking, Eyeron Group - consulting, teaching

This podcast is Part 2 of a two-part interview.

Stephen Turner, the host of Lawyers of Tomorrow, continues his interview with Itzik Amiel, a leading global authority on networking, relations capital, business development, branding and global Expansion. Itzik is an attorney, accountant and an award-winning professional public speaker, trainer and mentor and has shared the stage with the likes of Richard Branson and Steve Wozniak, Marianna Williamson, Les Brown, Darren Hardy and others.

Itzik details his method for remembering people's names – which listeners can experiment with immediately. It's a colourful, imaginative and effective tool for use during networking.

Itzik and Stephen then discuss how law firms need to turn what they see as competitors into collaborators – which is a central idea behind relations capital. Collaboration between law firms and between law firms and technology companies is becoming more important as we are seeing currently. You may be unable to work for a client at a one time, so you can refer that person or company to another law firm. They may be able to return the favour later. The key is that you take a long-term view on relationship building. The fact that you may lose a client at one moment does not mean that you lose a relationship.

Stephen and Itzik discuss some fascinating statistics on how attention spans of humans have dropped over the years to the point where the average attention span of a human in tests has dropped to as little as eight seconds – one second less than a goldfish!

Itzik explains how listeners can work with him through his three organisations, including getting hold of a copy of his book the attention Switch - see the first link. - buy the book - membership portal for networking - consultancy for international expansion, cross-border investments and their international operations

Stephen then turns the discussion to teaching, a subject about which Stephen and Itzik have much in common. They enthusiastically discuss different teaching methods for use with large groups: use of the voice, visuals and sound - including video, diagrams, music - and kinaesthetic approaches including movement.

Itzik and Stephen end their discussion by focusing on the new skills that lawyers will need for the future legal market. Since robotic automations and AI will eventually perform many of the tasks that lawyers perform is essential that lawyers master their networking and relations capital building skills before it is too late. Having strong networks will be essential for future business and these take time to create – there is no time to lose!

If you wish to contact Itzik by email: [email protected]