Itzik Amiel, networking, 'The Attention Switch', relations capital.

Stephen Turner, the host of Lawyers of Tomorrow, interviews Itzik Amiel, a leading global authority on networking, relations capital, business development, branding and global Expansion. Itzik is an attorney, accountant and an award-winning professional public speaker, trainer and mentor and has shared the stage with the likes of Richard Branson and Steve Wozniak, Marianna Williamson, Les Brown, Darren Hardy and others.

Stephen and Itzik talk about Itzik's bestselling book, "The Attention Switch" which turns networking on its head by telling us to stop worrying about our elevator pitches and instead turn on our attention switches and give sincere attention and then build trust and long-term relationships. Itzik says that one thing that marks out all successful people is that they are very approachable and giving of attention and because of this they do not miss out on important opportunities.

Itzik explains that attention is a brain muscle and when trained correctly it will react to what we are doing and will allow us to connect with people with authentic feeling. This will allow us to build deep relationships very quickly because trust - the foundation of all relationships - comes very quickly, you just need to know how to trigger it.

Stephen and Itzik discuss how the secret to networking is to give attention and not to attempt to get attention. Stephen and Itzik discuss how the structure for networking can be broken down into three parts: preparation for an event, attending the event, and then follow up - all of which is explained in detail in Itzik's book.

Itzik identifies the four things that must happen before any client will buy from you - the first of which is that they must like you.

Itzik gives Stephen a practical demonstration of why multitasking does not work and why it is so damaging in the context of focusing our attention. However, once you learn to give your complete and focused attention on someone this will have a magnetic effect and you will have set the foundation for a strong relationship.

Stephen and Itzik explore the concept of weak ties and how we should seek to leverage them in our networking. Itzik explains how most businesses can significantly ramp up their business simply by exploring existing relationships - their circle of weak ties.

Finally, Itzik and Stephen discuss the importance of empathy to building strong relationships in client care and start a discussion on how to remember names.

This podcast continues in Part 2