Erin Gerstenzang and Megan presented a workshop on Women Mentoring Women at the Tennessee Lawyers Association for Women Empowerment Conference in March 2019.  On this episode, Megan and Erin talk about women mentoring each other, why it's critical that we stand up and help each other, how women mentor differently than men, and what specifically we can be doing to work together.

This workshop is one Erin and Megan are taking on the road, so be sure to check out their speaker pages (Megan's Speaker Page, Erin's Speaker Page) for more information on booking speaking engagements.


Resources Mentioned:

Among the resources recommended in this episode and the workshop are Confidence Code and How Women Rise.  

Guest Info:  

Erin Gerstenzang - Website and Twitter

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Email me at megan[at]zaviehlaw[dot]com

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