Lots of questions from listeners pop up again and again.  This episode, we tackle some of those frequent questions.  Among them:

- How do I report my IOLTA to the State Bar?

- Must I continue representing someone who complained about me to the Bar?

- Is failing to perform with competence the same as being incompetent?

- How do I withdraw cash from my IOTLA?  (Hint - you don't!)

- How does timing work on my moral character application?

I also highlight some news on fee agreements in California.  Here are links to the new sample fee agreements put out by California and Megan's article on handling flat fees under California's new rules.


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Email me at megan[at]zaviehlaw[dot]com

This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not to be construed as legal advice specific to your circumstances. If you need help with any legal matters, be sure to consult with an attorney regarding your specific needs.

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