This was ripped from last weeks Instagram live chat with my boy Kory Ballard of Ballard Innovative Products. Kory gives us an update on some of the hottest things rolling out of his hq these days. Then we jump right into a chat about how to deal with burn out in our industry. We all have those days where we want to throw in the towel! How and why should we keep going. This snowballs into how we as business owners must show up everyday ready to grind. We have an opportunity and an OBLIGATION to affect our teams in a positive way. ————————————————————-
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Thanks to our sponsor Intentional Growth Advisors. These guys specialize in helping green industry businesses owners. Whether it’s buying or selling your lawn and landscape company... or growing, leading or crunching numbers within your small business? Email them today at [email protected] or check out their website

Just a reminder if ya like the podcast give us a follow on Instagram @lawncareleaderspodcast and on Facebook under Lawncare Leaders. I recently started a new group on Facebook.

————————————————————————————————————————————————Thanks to our sponsors JOBBER Jobber is a software that helps home service businesses Quote, schedule, invoice and get paid faster! Follow this link to get their new $19 a month special just for our listeners!! ———————————————————————————————————————————————