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Meet the Inspirer Believer

Watch the Video Interviews here

Welcome to episode 080, and the third Archetype the Inspirer Believer with your #businessyoda and now Amazon #1 Bestselling Author for the second time with a solo book – The Thrive Factor, Shannon Bush!

The Thrive Factor features 12 personal leadership Archetypes for women in business. Today we meet the Inspirer Believer, you know her as the cheerleader and champion of optimism. She throws herself into things she is passionate about but can become burned out quickly. Her greatest lesson is to be inspired by herself and to share that with the world. Join Shannon as she chats with three very real Inspirer Believers – Sheryl, Kimberly and Pavitra.

You’ll hear how Kimberlie has been inspired many times and is now onto her fifth business iteration which began with Tai Chi and is now in textiles. Kimberlie shares how one of her greatest joys with this archetype, is championing and cheerleading her mentees in her work, and being able to see the potential in others. On the flip side, you’ll also hear the challenges she faced in not being able to take off her rose-coloured glasses.

Stay tuned to hear from Transition Mentor, Pavitra who describes the transformation and clarity that discovering her archetypes as overly joyous, and how she has fully embraced this aspect of herself to believe in the unknown more than what is known and in surrendering to the flow of life and creating from there. Pavitra also shares her challenges – acknowledging how easy it is for her to be inspired and to inspire others, and not having healthy boundaries to support it. Pavitra also shares how she is challenged by the logical mind trying to fathom many of the qualities, ideas and creativity of the Inspirer Believer as they are so intangible.

Keep listening to hear from Graphic Designer Sheryl Young, who shares the joy of being so excited in the beginning of new projects, and the challenge of that huge amount of energy burning up so quickly and burning out fast. Sheryl also shares how she’s embraced a side of herself to cheer on her clients and using it to grow her own confidence and having permission to be authentic to herself.  

Notable Quotes and Pearls of Wisdom

“The energy of the Inspirer Believer is about balance, about what’s best for everyone not just ourselves.” – Kimberlie

“The inspiration is in everything in life it’s all around us and in the air we breathe.” – Pavitra

“Allow yourself to be authentically you.” – Sheryl

Connect with our Inspirer Believer’s Here Kimberlie Clare-Campbell – Pavitra Guru – Sheryl Young

Find Out More About The Thrive Factor Book and Profiling

Connect with Shannon in these places:

Creative Possibility

Thriving Entrepreneur Circle Facebook group for women in business

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