The post LOE 079 | Heroine Adventurer | The Thrive Factor Book Series appeared first on Creative Possibility.

Meet The Heroine Adventurer

watch the video interviews here

Welcome to the second installment of The Thrive Factor book series with your host, Shannon Bush, today joined by Emma Halyer, Tanita Seton, Kelly Weaver – three women with the Heroine Adventurer Archetypes! The Thrive Factor book featues 12 personal leadership Archetypes for women in business.

The Heroine Adventurer is a great lover of the outdoors and nature, she loves to get out there and fiercely defend the underdog and is grounded by being in nature. Heroine Archetypes are also the most competitive of all the archetypes and become incredibly focussed when they have a challenge or goal in mind.

Join Shannon in a delicious discussion with Emma, and what is was like getting to know this side of herself. Emma shares how she always knew she had a wild side, but never understood how she fit in. You’ll hear Emma talk about how she now embraces this part of herself to fight fiercely for her clients and drive her passion – and the challenge of keeping her in balance and not all-consuming.

Stay tuned to learn from Kelly Weaver from Bridal Bling’s experience of getting to know her inner Heroine Adventurer, including being involved with sports, and the fearlessness and loyalty that is fiercely present. You’ll hear Kelly share how the Heroine Adventurer drives action for her, and how rather than looking at a problem she looks to her archetypes to understand where any angst could be coming from.

Keep listening to hear from photographer, Tanita Seton shares how the Heroine Adventurer is one of her favorite archetypes. You’ll hear how Tanita is expressing her Heroine Adventurer by getting outdoors with her dog, enjoying being out in nature to enjoy the headspace it brings her. You’ll also hear the challenges Tanita faces in competing with herself and developing more self-compassion and care so she doesn’t fall victim not-enoughness. You’ll also hear some simple, practical tips from Tanita that will support you to embrace your inner Heroine Adventurer.

Notable Quotes and Pearls of Wisdom

“She was my strength, the passion for more and the reason I left working in a bank.” – Emma Halyer

“Self-love helps to eradicate the competitiveness.” – Emma Halyer

“I look to my ladies to work out which one is making me feel like there’s a problem to figure out which one isn’t happy and from there, it’s much easier to solve a problem.” – Kelly Weaver

“Jump in, enjoy the adventure, and enjoy the ride!” – Kelly Weaver

“It really clicked things in place for me – why I hate being inside the house all day.” – TanitaSeton

“Don’t let it get so full on that you forget to give yourself space. You need to get out in nature.” – Tanita Seton

Connect with Our Heroine Adventurer’s Here

Emma Halyer Financial Architects

Kelly Weaver Bridal Bling

Tanita Seton Photography

Find Out More About The Thrive Factor Book

Connect with Shannon in these places:

Creative Possibility

Thriving Entrepreneur Circle Facebook group for women in business

Email [email protected] with your comments, questions and episode suggestions!

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