The post LOE 058 | The Accidental Skin Care Business w/ Nat Wright & Shannon Bush appeared first on Creative Possibility.

Welcome to episode 058 of Law of Effortlessness, featuring Nat Wright of Verissima Natural Skin Care.

Nat has been on a quest to find answers most of her life. Without intending to, Nat found herself as the owner and chief creator at Verissima Natural Skincare. It’s become the perfect vehicle for her to share her love of natural solutions for both our skin and our wellbeing. Verissima is all things natural, toxin and synthetic free and it’s growing community love being able to rely on the incredible, beautiful smelling products Nat provides.

Nat’s professional background includes studies within Conservation & Environmental Management and work within biosecurity and compliance with the AQIS and Quarantine WA. Nat acquired a diverse range of skills prior to leading Verissima and she has been able to use these along with an added understanding of the impacts of treating our produce with seriously toxic chemicals, to refine and offer the best natural products available.

As a busy mum of two, Nat loves spending time with family and can often be found enjoying the families’ holiday getaway. Nat is most inspired to help and educate others while also looking after the planet. She believes we have all we need in nature, but it’s a matter of harnessing and knowing what to do with what we have right on our doorstep.

Shannon and Nat discuss the abundance of nature and it’s ability to heal and nurture our body. Nat’s journey with natural skin care began when she gave birth to her first child and the range of products on offer to wash her baby with, and she began searching for a natural alternative.

Shannon and Nat explore what keeps the fire in Nat’s belly in the very busy beauty industry, and what keeps her going. You’ll hear how any business can use the word Organic in their marketing, the obstacles to being educated about the products you use on your skin, and the role of media. You’ll also hear Nat’s journey with marketing her business and owning her expertise and hard lessons learned in business.


Mentioned Links and Links To Connect

Connect with Nat via her website here Instagram here and on Facebook here.

Find out more about Profit First here.

Connect with Shannon in these places

Join the Thriving Entrepreneur Facebook group for women entrepreneurs

Her Facebook business page and on Instagram

Do you have a question or idea for a podcast episode?  Submit your ideas and questions to [email protected]

Notable Quotes & Pearls Of Wisdom

“If you can’t pronounce it, walk away.”

“People don’t know how to go about learning about the ingrediants in products.”

“If it’s not something that will see you through the nights when you’re in tears because you can’t pay the bills, walk away.”

The post LOE 058 | The Accidental Skin Care Business w/ Nat Wright & Shannon Bush appeared first on Creative Possibility.