The post LOE 057 | Reality of Overwhelm w/ Shannon Bush & Sarah Thomson | Effortless Business Events Takeover appeared first on Creative Possibility.

The Reality Of Overwhelm In Business

Welcome to episode 057 of Law of Effortlessness Podcast, with another Effortless Business Events Take Over episode!  You know what that means – Shannon and Sarah are teaming up again and this time they discuss the reality of overwhelm.

It’s a “phenomenon” that affects every human being and is a frequent issue for business owners and entrepreneurs. Instead of succumbing to overwhelm, understanding the reality of overwhelm can help you to work with it.

Tune in to hear Sarah share how a two-minute Facebook Live sparked a huge conversation of perception, projection, inner criticisms, and overwhelm.

Drawing on her extensive coaching background, plus her expertise as a qualified counsellor and Arts Therapist, Shannon shares her views on the science behind overwhelm and the psychology underpinning what takes over when your mind becomes overloaded – you might even notice these things happening in your own life and business.

In this inspirational episode both ladies share their wisdom and tips for overcoming overwhelm and how your personal life impact business and vice versa. If you take something positive away from tuning into this episode be sure to leave a comment below.

Mentioned Links and Links To Connect

Connect with Sarah via her website here and on Facebook here.

Find out more about Effortless Business Events here

Connect with Shannon in these places

Join the Thriving Entrepreneur Facebook group for women entrepreneurs

Her Facebook business page and on Instagram

Do you have a question or idea for a podcast episode?  Submit your ideas and questions to [email protected]

Notable Quotes & Pearls Of Wisdom

“The minute you get overwhelmed you drop everything that is not your zone of genius, and many business owners, they’re zone of genius is not marketing.”

“Your ideal clients are often very like you.”

“We wanted to share and be ourselves, it’s too hard to be anyone else.”

“Normal is just a cycle on a washing machine.”

The post LOE 057 | Reality of Overwhelm w/ Shannon Bush & Sarah Thomson | Effortless Business Events Takeover appeared first on Creative Possibility.