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Pioneer Seeker Thrive Factor Archetype

Welcome to the Law of Effortlessness Podcast with your #businessyoda host, Shannon Bush today joined by two cheeky and pioneering women, Elle Roberts and Ashleigh Rae. In this episode, Shannon Bush speaks with Elle Roberts and Ashleigh about the Pioneer Seeker Thrive Factor Archetype. This lady is the early adopter of new ideas and technology and is constantly innovating. She is also cheeky and playful and others can find it difficult to keep up with her. 

Elle starts off the episode with some information about herself and her business, and how its evolved. Elle identifies when she learned about her archetypes and lists them as Mentor Teacher, Inspirer Believer, Liberator Engineer, Shapeshifter Alchemist, and Pioneer Seeker. She shares with us how she felt when she learned what her archetypes were, and how learning them clarified some things about herself.

Elle talks about how difficult it was starting her business as a single mom, and how shy she was about it starting out. She explains how she had to learn the aspects of a business that she didn’t know, and how she reached out to others to join her in her business. Elle shares with us the disadvantages and challenges of being a Pioneer Seeker, and how she wants to learn and try everything. Elle imparts some words of wisdom on us about being a Pioneer Seeker, and how it shapes you.

In part two of this episode, you’ll hear from Ashleigh Rae, her business and how she first came to meet her Pioneer Seeker Archetype in early 2018, along with her other two Thrive Factor Archetypes – the Inspirer Believer and Shape Shifter Alchemist. You’ll hear how at first, Ashleigh didn’t know what to do with the knowledge of her archetypes, and how she didn’t love them or interact with them – and then how she began to embrace them.

She identifies which archetype she has had the most trouble with, and talks about the challenges that each archetype brings into her life. Ashleigh Rae also talks about how her archetypes have helped her, both in her business life and in her personal life. She mentions other personality tests she’s done before, and how she felt like they never really fit her. She identifies the weaknesses of other personality tests and emphasizes how strong the archetype test is and how she uses it to profile her clients.

The episode ends with Ashleigh giving advice for those who share her archetypes, and giving words of encouragement. To hear Ashleigh’s advice, tune in to this episode! And if you’re curious about your archetypes, check out Shannon Bush’s The Thrive Factor Book!

Pearls of Wisdom 

“I’m a huge ideas person, and it took me a long time to wrap my head around this. I had to learn it’s OK to embrace and hug the Bright Shiny Objects.” – Ashleigh Rae

“Your archetypes are a filter to guide you in how you want to show up, and what you want to do” – Shannon Bush

“I often feel like how come there are not more people standing right here with me, and learning about that Pioneer Seeker and that adventurous, you know, just keep going doing the next new thing, was like oh, that’s why it feels like there’s no one next to me. It’s not that nobody wants to be my friend, it’s that I’m in this different space” – Elle Roberts

Find Out More About The Thrive Factor Book Here

Watch the video series here

>> Thrive Factor Book Video Interview Series

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Artful Business Conference Website

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