Raj grew up as a shy, introverted kid in a conservative family. His entire life he was told he was not good enough and did not matter. He suffered through severe anxiety, fear of rejection, low self-esteem, high self-doubt, and severe body image issues. After 20 years of false identity, he decided to take control of his life because of a trigger event, and he tells that story on today's episode. We also played some Q&A. We answered a question by someone who was trying to figure out when to take a math course that they really didn't want to take. We also answered a question from someone who was just having trouble feeling happy often enough in life. His website:  https://www.rajsubra.com/ Follow the LOA Today podcast: https://www.loatoday.net/follow

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Raj grew up as a shy, introverted kid in a conservative family. His entire life he was told he was not good enough and did not matter.

He suffered through severe anxiety, fear of rejection, low self-esteem, high self-doubt, and severe body image issues.

After 20 years of false identity, he decided to take control of his life because of a trigger event, and he tells that story on today’s episode.

We also played some Q&A.

We answered a question by someone who was trying to figure out when to take a math course that they really didn’t want to take. (36:06)

We also answered a question from someone who was just having trouble feeling happy often enough in life. (46:17)

Raj’s show note links:

Social Media Links-

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rajsubra/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/epsilon11

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/raj.subrameyer.9

Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/ChaiLatteConsulting

Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/raj.subrameyer/

Other Links

Personal Website: https://www.rajsubra.com/

Skyrocket Your Career Book – Website – https://www.skyrocketyourcareerbook.com/

My TV Interviews – https://www.rajsubra.com/#tv-interviews

My Speaker Reel – https://youtu.be/pMg8OvdJBUg

My recorded talks – https://www.rajsubra.com/speaking-videos

My publications – https://www.rajsubra.com/content-creation#featured-articles

My Blog – https://www.rajsubra.com/blog

My Youtube Channel – Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/ChaiLatteConsulting

My exclusive private Facebook group – https://www.facebook.com/groups/698511380920861/

My TEDx talks – www.rajsubra.com/#TEDxtalks

My Speech Topics – https://www.rajsubra.com/speaking/#SpeechTopics

Follow the LOA Today podcast: https://www.loatoday.net/follow













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