It’s time to re-evaluate your business procedures and integrate a very crucial aspect into your employee onboarding process. Tune in to find out more! 


Episode Introduction: 

In today’s episode of Law Chat with Girija, we’re going to be talking all about the importance of preparing your employees to effectively communicate a client contract.


Episode Summary: 

Girija Patel walks us through a real life example of a business losing a client, simply because their frontline employee wasn’t prepared to handle client contract negotiations. Join us on today’s episode to learn how to change that and ensure that you’re not leaving money on the table.


Main Takeaways:

Train your employees regarding your business properly during the onboarding process. Explain your employee(s) the purpose of the contract and also give them a walkthrough of the entire contract so that they can do the same with the clients. Also talk to your employees about potential contract negotiations in case the client doesn’t agree with certain terms of the contract. You may have a successful business but if the frontline of your business is weak, then that needs to be fixed.

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