Norm opens the week from the famed swamp and our nation's great capitol, Washington, D.C. He is, of course, in D.C. for purposes of the criminal defense on behalf of one Joseph R. Biggs. Joe Biggs is one of several Proud Boys criminal defendants arrested in connection with the events of January 6, 2021, and who has by and through a third superseding federal criminal indictment been charged with seditious conspiracy. For those of you so inclined, you may support a rather tortured Biggs' criminal defense team by making a contribution here:

Norm and Mike spend time discussing the concept of rebellion as a theme of American history, anchored by the writings of Thomas Jefferson and Cicero, and with a reflection on events like Shay's Rebellion. What is the utility of rebellion, and has the concept been historically understood as functioning part of our republic's anatomy? If so, what do we make of our current historical amnesia? In other words, is a little bit of rebellion every now and thing a good thing?

The promised 'Red Wave' of 2022 manifested more as 'Purple Slush'. Chappelle has made another statement. Mike queries: how do we know whether current 'rebellion' is organic or synthetic? How we are as individuals to discern?

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