Mama Bliss with Kathy Stowell Bliss Beyond Naptime is all about supporting you as you go for your life’s calling to become a coach. It’s also about how by embracing deep self-care and allowing more creative play into your life, so you can unveil your higher purpose. And how through inviting more simplicity into your days you can create the time and space for your coaching biz aspirations to germinate.

Bliss Beyond Naptime is about taking those first baby steps to birthing your work from home dreams with those precious pockets of time that motherhood rations out to us every day and having deep gratitude for such little blessings. Keeping it sustainable, having the right tools and rituals at hand, and sprinkling the mundane with regular doses of guilty pleasure-laden indulgences is what I call the Mama Bliss Way.

Self-Care + Creativity + Values + Simplicity = Mama Bliss

And with this equation intact the world’s our bon-bon eating oyster as we consciously generate the time energy in our busy mama-ing days to pursue our passions and calling outside of motherhood. Guilt-free. And as a certified creativity and simplicity parenting coach, I’m all about releasing perfectionism, lowering expectations, and luxuriating in chilling out with family-friendly incubation periods. It makes life and biz SO much more blissful and balanced. And latte. Oh yeah. Lots and lots of latte.