Emily Maher & the Launch of The Meaning Method

Emily is an author and the creator of The Meaning Method. She always used stories to navigate the adventures of life. For years, she taught English literature at an international school in Bogotá. Her fiction book has been published in literary magazines and she won some nice awards. She also spent time living with gypsies in the South of India in order to turn their stories into grant money for education. When you live life as a story, your imagination becomes the realm of possibility.

A client once called her “a therapist for the imagination,” and something inside her screamed, “Yes! That’s what she does.” She can help you open up the visions in your mind that fill you with courage and inspiration. Her mission is to help you turn your stories of struggle and triumph into a book that captures the significance of the experience.

She first discovered the transformative power of writing in her early twenties. She was an undergraduate at the University of Iowa with a full scholarship for creative writing, but she was insecure, overwhelmed, and intimidated by the scope of her dreams.

These days, her life is totally different. She's had success in both traditional and self-publishing, but more importantly, she has learned to make the life she imagined a reality. And it did not start out that way! For her, seeing life as a story and facing fear early on lead to big adventures. She fell in love with Colombia and started her family in a new country. Today she pursues her writing dreams in Bogotá, with her husband Mauricio and her son Martín. You can learn more about Emily at http://www.meaningmethod.com/.