Do you find yourself constantly launching new offers and experiences, chasing that exciting "new offer" feeling? I know what this feels like because I’m guilty of this, too. 

It's easy to get caught up in the shiny object syndrome, believing that the next big thing will be the key to unlocking massive growth in your business.

But what if I told you that this common trap could be sabotaging your success? 

In this episode, I share a surprising secret that completely transformed my approach to offers and skyrocketed my business success. It's a mindset shift that challenged everything I thought I knew about creating and selling offers, and I can't wait to share it with you.

Key Takeaways:

The hidden costs of constantly launching new offers and how they can sabotage your success.A revolutionary way to approach your offers that will simplify your business and boost your bottom line.How to identify and focus on the high-performing areas of your business for maximum impact.

Resources Mentioned:

Episode 129: ReinventionEpisode 158: The Chick-fil-A Way: Embracing the Power of Less [Big Brand Breakdown]

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Connect With Kinsey Machos: 

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About the Host

Kinsey Machos is the host and founder of The Category Queen, a podcast and community for coaches, consultants, practitioners, and professionals who desire to help more people with their unique expertise. 

Kinsey's mission is to help women transform their unique brilliance into a profitable coaching business where they can experience true time and financial freedom while changing the world one human at a time.