Maximize your revenue and reach with an online presence that’s undeniable. You don’t need to spend time gaining more followers, studying hashtags, or trying to go viral. All you need to do is steward the following you already have and learn how to monetize your expertise with a content strategy that converts leads into clients (even if you have a tiny audience). 

If you’re tired of chasing the algorithm or “posting and praying,” the strategies discussed in this conversation will elevate you almost instantly!

Tune in and make this year your best year ever with an online presence that’s ELECTRIC!

Don’t miss these highlights: 

01:33 Experience the potential of elevating your online presence and converting a higher number of followers into clients.

03:05 The biggest misconceptions about online marketing that’s leading you in the wrong direction. 

05:56 Create content with the end in mind: focus on bringing in clients, not just growing your following.

12:50 Consistency in content creation is key to developing your voice and communication style.

16:58 A fundamental approach within the Categories Queen School involves content that effectively converts. We employ various content strategies, development pieces, and operational elements.   

23:03 The framework you can use right away to craft a high-converting piece of content that captures attention and leads to action.

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Connect With Kinsey Machos: 

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If you want to stand out online and get clients, join our free masterclass, Newsfeed Masterclass:

If you’re ready to take your coaching business to the next level with a framework that will get you fully booked with top-tier clients, join us inside The Category Queen School Today:

About the Host

Kinsey Machos is the host and founder of The Category Queen, a podcast and community for coaches, consultants, and course creators. 

She left her six-figure corporate salary to pursue her passion for helping women unlock their unique brilliance and achieve success in their businesses. 

Kinsey's mission is to help entrepreneurs gain recognition, reach more people, and make more money while balancing success with motherhood and marriage.