When you know how to create leverage in your coaching programs you’ll be able to serve more clients, amplify your impact, and multiply your monthly earnings without adding to your workload or burning yourself to the ground. 

This is the secret weapon of successful coaches who manage to grow to multiple six figures while delivering impeccable value to their clients. 

Tune into this episode to learn how you can get out of the time-for-money cycle and optimize your offers and maximize your impact. 

Key Highlights:

The phases of leverage for every season of growth and what to do first (and what to do last). The mistakes to avoid that many coaches are making when trying to scale their coaching offers. The importance of value-driven frameworks that will get your clients better results (faster). How your team plays into optimization and when it’s time to consider delegating.

Past Episodes:

Episode 111: How To Scale Your Signature Offer (without sacrificing your client’s Results) 

Episode 119: The Evolution of Your Signature Program

Connect With Kinsey

Website | Facebook | Free Community | Instagram

[FREE] LIVE Scalable Offers Masterclass: How To Rethink Group Coaching Programs and Create Offers That Attract Top-Tier Clients Effortlessly: www.kinseymachos.com/innovate

[FREE] Download: The Revolutionary Content Kit: A 7-pillar method to creating unique content that sells + connects at the same time: www.kinseymachos.com/revolutionary

Ready to discover your unique category, streamline your services, and organically launch your scalable offer to 20K+ months with more harmony and rhythm? Don’t sacrifice the quality of your services as you scale. See if you’re a good fit for our signature experience, Launch Like A Queen: www.kinseymachos.com/launchqueen

Book A Call With Our Team To Discover What’s Next For You: www.kinseymachos.com/nextsteps

Do not miss these highlights: 

01:34 Today's topic is about Leverage in relation to your business and where you can find more points in your current delivery so that you can grow faster without burning out. 

03:25 Let's explore where you can increase leverage and identify the strategies to enhance your coaching services. 

05:25 Within our program, Launch Like A Queen, we conduct a comprehensive assessment of your business's current status and its stage of development.

05:50 There are three key methods to enhance leverage in your current coaching offering. The first method involves refining and streamlining your processes.

06:43 The initial approach involves optimizing your processes, eliminating the need to reinvent the wheel for repetitive tasks, and saving valuable time, effort, and resources. 

08:15 It's essential to give yourself the time and space to recognize the potential for streamlining  

08:30 One of the...

When you know how to create leverage in your coaching programs you’ll be able to serve more clients, amplify your impact, and multiply your monthly earnings without adding to your workload or burning yourself to the ground. 

This is the secret weapon of successful coaches who manage to grow to multiple six figures while delivering impeccable value to their clients. 

Tune into this episode to learn how you can get out of the time-for-money cycle and optimize your offers and maximize your impact. 

Key Highlights:

The phases of leverage for every season of growth and what to do first (and what to do last). The mistakes to avoid that many coaches are making when trying to scale their coaching offers. The importance of value-driven frameworks that will get your clients better results (faster). How your team plays into optimization and when it’s time to consider delegating.

Past Episodes:

Episode 111: How To Scale Your Signature Offer (without sacrificing your client’s Results) 

Episode 119: The Evolution of Your Signature Program

Connect With Kinsey

Website | Facebook | Free Community | Instagram

[FREE] LIVE Scalable Offers Masterclass: How To Rethink Group Coaching Programs and Create Offers That Attract Top-Tier Clients Effortlessly: www.kinseymachos.com/innovate

[FREE] Download: The Revolutionary Content Kit: A 7-pillar method to creating unique content that sells + connects at the same time: www.kinseymachos.com/revolutionary

Ready to discover your unique category, streamline your services, and organically launch your scalable offer to 20K+ months with more harmony and rhythm? Don’t sacrifice the quality of your services as you scale. See if you’re a good fit for our signature experience, Launch Like A Queen: www.kinseymachos.com/launchqueen

Book A Call With Our Team To Discover What’s Next For You: www.kinseymachos.com/nextsteps

Do not miss these highlights: 

01:34 Today's topic is about Leverage in relation to your business and where you can find more points in your current delivery so that you can grow faster without burning out. 

03:25 Let's explore where you can increase leverage and identify the strategies to enhance your coaching services. 

05:25 Within our program, Launch Like A Queen, we conduct a comprehensive assessment of your business's current status and its stage of development.

05:50 There are three key methods to enhance leverage in your current coaching offering. The first method involves refining and streamlining your processes.

06:43 The initial approach involves optimizing your processes, eliminating the need to reinvent the wheel for repetitive tasks, and saving valuable time, effort, and resources. 

08:15 It's essential to give yourself the time and space to recognize the potential for streamlining  

08:30 One of the elements that you can overlook is the contract process. 

11:50 The mistakes that you need to avoid within this segment, one is setting and then forgetting. 

13:05 Another mistake in this area is overcomplicating or excessively systematizing, particularly if you have perfectionist tendencies.

14:25 The second approach to increase leverage in your coaching offers is by creating a structured framework or a step-by-step system that enables your clients to achieve tangible results.

16:00 The quality of the framework can significantly impact the marketability of your coaching offer.

18:05 Clients in our programs, including the flagship Launch Like A Queen, receive valuable roadmaps.

18:40 It's crucial to strike the right balance and avoid making the roadmap overly broad. 

19:32 In our Launch Like A Queen, we are currently developing various iterations to accommodate individuals at different levels. 

20:43 Additionally, refrain from attempting to develop the pathway prematurely.  

22:23 Evolution should be an ongoing process for your offer as your business grows.  

23:00 The final approach to enhance leverage in your coaching offers is by having a team that can support the growth but from the delivery perspective.  

27:27 As your business expands, it's crucial to bring in individuals with complementary expertise rather than attempting to replicate yourself.

28:08 Ensuring alignment of values among your team members and anyone you bring into your program is essential. 

29:48 As the CEO of your company and your offerings, maintaining a strong understanding of all aspects is vital. 

33:20 These are all factors we carefully consider within programs like Launch Like A Queen and our Higher Level Mastermind when you join us.

About the Host

Kinsey Machos, a Marketing Strategist, is also a recovering people pleaser, self-sabotager, and corporate hustler. She helps entrepreneurs create and execute magnetic marketing and build expert brands so that they can get known, seen, and heard online.

She believes that creating a business that’s 100% in alignment with SELF is one of the most important things that we can do as women — because there’s an inner magic that we all have if we commit to an infinite pursuit of discovering (and re-discovering) that.

As a wife and a mom of three, the family takes priority. And having a business that’s run AROUND her lifestyle is a daily intention of hers.


Instagram: @kinseymachos

Facebook: @kinsmachos 

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