I know we have buddies for different things. Do you have somebody you can pick up the phone to and laugh with? What a great idea to have like a sponsor, a buddy that when you're feeling a little bit blue, down, or low and you need that lift? 

How cool would it be able to have a phone, pass phone, somebody who's in the same frame of mind, as you understand the benefits of laughter understands. You get a release of endorphins, dopamine, serotonin, endorphins, all of these beautiful chemicals flowing around the brain, and the body feels more energized, feels lighter, feels amazing.

Let's face it, laugh yoga is easy, but sometimes it is hard to laugh alone. It would be best if you had someone to laugh with. If you need a laughter buddy, I'm there for you. You can join me for a giggle on Clun House Monday to Friday at 8:15 for 10 minutes. 

Also, if you're listening to this podcast and you've not reached out to me before to say hi, just do it. Feel free to reach out. I'm just laughing over in the corner, and I'd love to have a chat with you about how you could buddy up. I could help you find some other people that laugh in your area. I know a lot of laughter Yogis, laughter clubs, and people running clubs across the world. I can connect you with other laughter professionals across the world.

What did you learn from this episode?

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The Laughter Man, Pete Cann, is on a fun-filled mission to bring the positive benefits of laughter to the world. Since discovering Laughter Yoga, company owner Pete has transformed his business and family life and now wants to share his infectious secrets and get the planet laughing along with him.

You’ll find Pete, his trademark red hat, and his happy vibe on the following channels.

[email protected]www.petecann.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/thelaughterman/https://www.instagram.com/petecannthelaughterman/https://www.facebook.com/thelaughtermanhttps://www.youtube.com/c/petecannthelaughtermanhttps://www.tiktok.com/@petecannthelaughterman https://clubhousedb.com/user/thelaughterman