Do you know your value? Do you believe in your value?

For the past probably three or four years, I've gotten a lot better at knowing my value. As  solopreneurs, sometimes we find it so difficult for us to believe in the value of our service; thus, we end up charging less.

In this episode, I want to share with you a couple of tips that I've learned along the way that has helped me to value my service and be able to put my head up high when I charge what I charge for being the laughter man.

Often, we feel like if to hike our prices, nobody will choose our services. The truth is, you'll lose some clients who feel like you charge too much, but you'll gain others who understand your actual value.

Listen in to this episode and get ready to embrace your value.

Key Talking Points of the Episode:

[00:32] Knowing your value

[05:01] Permission to believe in yourself

Standout Quote from the Episode:

"When you charge money for your time, so even if it is like an hour of your time, you're not actually just selling that hour of your time you're actually selling everything that you've learned up to that hour."

The Laughter Man, Pete Cann, is on a fun-filled mission to bring the positive benefits of laughter to the world. Since discovering Laughter Yoga, company owner Pete has transformed his business and family life and now wants to share his infectious secrets and get the planet laughing along with him.

You’ll find Pete, his trademark red hat, and his happy vibe on the following channels.

[email protected]