Comedian Nazareth interviews Dr. Randy Christian and discuss the Essential Faith Project.

Dr. Randy came to the Lord in the Jesus Movement of the late 60s and early 70s. The Lord changed him from an alcoholic, drug-using, violent teen on the brink of suicide, forgave him, and cleaned him up. Randy has served his King since then--nearly 50 years. He holds a doctoral degree in ministry from Fuller Seminary.

Randy has been privileged to serve in many different pastoral roles, in small, medium, and large churches as well as a Family Support Center. He has specialized in teaching scripture, strengthening disciples, and supporting families. He has been a police chaplain, professional counselor, author, professor, and now the founder of The Essential Faith Project. The Mission of the EFP is to assist the Church in making, assessing, and strengthening disciples.

Randy and his wife, Donna, have been married 47 years and have three children and 11 grandchildren. They live outside Fort Worth, TX where Randy leads the Essential Faith Project and has a practice in pastoral counseling.